Monday, September 10, 2007

pass auf!

things are starting, as usual, to fall into place.

yesterday i biked down the Donauinsel, the island in the middle of the Danube, for miles and miles of rolling hills and sweet Austrians walking their dogs and boys riding their bikes through the water and wildflowers everywhere for me to gather in bunches to stick in my hair, to stick in a jar in my room.

today i bought the best hummus in the world from the Naschmarkt, and then sat in a cafe sipping espresso and writing a short story auf Deutsch about a melancholy baker who comes home one day to find her forgotten bread dough risen to fill her entire house. when i left, i stepped over a lonely yellow rose on the sidewalk, turned back, balanced it on the seat of a bicycle by the wall, and walked off just as a girl came around the corner and found it, quick bright smile on her face.

a blissfully unaware jogger with his ears plugged into an ipod jumped in front of me to cross the bike path, and without thinking i yelled "Pass auf!" - watch out! i'm not sure if the shriek that followed those words out of my mouth was in german or in english, but at least there's something sticking to my tongue the way i want it to.

best of all was when i made it home without taking out my map even once.

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