Thursday, September 06, 2007

bored hookers and warmer nights

scrape the last desperate remnants of peanut butter from the jar - they only have one variety here so we shouldn't waste a smidge. chug half a bottle of wine apiece and then attempt to decipher maps in search of more ways to squander money on some brief intoxication. i smell like a little bit of smoke and a little bit of brakeless meandering. i live in the middle of a red light district across the street from a ferris wheel, but don't let that fool you. die strassen sind glitschig. ich bin nicht die beste. alles wird okay.

(scrape the last desperate remnants of peanut butter from the jar; long for an all-night grocery and some non-dairy desserts; schreiben sie bitte ein aufsatz auf deutsch von wistful anarchy und unsere müde zerstörungen.)

my skin is dry without yours nearby.

ja, ich wohne jetzt im Wien.

yes, i live in vienna now.

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