Wednesday, April 27, 2005


let's run away into a turquoise dream let's vanish in a puff
of patchouli-scented smoke we'll float up and jump from
cloud to cloud we won't fall i promise. let's linger in
archaic daydreams and blow smoke rings through tangled
thoughts and nonsensical conversations that mean the world
when our implausible playground collapses into a pile of
originality then where will we go? let's sail on avocado
seas till we reach a center and bounce between transient
peach-colored tropic isles that imprison our senses. we'll
flit and float and fly and find the unimaginable
unattainable undefined we'll be picturesque and silly we'll
give them the slip and in this blissful somnabulance we'll
never wake up.

last month, for spring break - cleveland, boston, chapel hill, athens:

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