Tuesday, November 01, 2005

amethyst lake

a shock of hair a flash of eyes a glance as fleeting as that flicker of smile

yr face remembers me yr limbs recall our future submersion - let us allow ourselves to get acquainted once more

i'll be the ice fisher chipping away numbly to lower myself gingerly into yr cold amethyst depths - you the impassive the impenetrable the vast and beautiful

you fill with lights shining through the translucent blanket like underwater fireflies darting from possibility to moment to anticipation

write me a song to lull me to frozen sleep so we can sing the refrain together in my dreams

you were never the legible type, i was always the sleepwalker stumbling into you hands out as if my blind fingers could pull a textured meaning from yr unbearable smooth surfaces

one night i spun fiery circles in a fierce dance a dervish impersonation illuminating your dark still countenance and i felt you melt and shift a little beneath my feet

before you regained yr composure

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