Wednesday, June 29, 2005


lately life's been blowing
strange bubbles my way
odd ups and downs
hills to coast down but the
coasting freefalling scares me
and i fight it, i slow, the uphill
climb is a battle i give up on
speed on patience surge or stop
i can't picture his face outside
my photos can't quite grasp
the voice on the phone it's not real
not life not anything but
strangers filling ears with stories
and silences i fold myself neat
fold myself simple to fit trimly
in the receiver, package a volume
of myself off down lines to yr
unlistening ear. colors are
dancing before my eyes i saw her
she only tapped her foot maybe
looked my way maybe, too cool
to dance but i'm drowning in yr
magnificence i want to know
yr history and yr secrets and
you can have mine

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